
The CONGres is a congress organised by Biology, Psychobiology and Biomedical Sciences students from student association CONGO of the University of Amsterdam.

Meet this year’s CONGres committee!

Chair: Sanne

Hi!! I’m more than happy to introduce you to CONGrescie of 2024! 

My name is Sanne and I’m the chair of the CONGres Committee. I keep a general overview of the committee and make sure everything runs smoothly. We are approaching the CONGres and a lot is done. We have mailed the speakers and are fixing all the other important ( and less important 😉 ) things! 

Vice-chair: Rebecca

Hii, my name is Rebecca and I am this year’s vice chair of the CONGres. This means that I help out Sanne, our chair, whenever it is becoming a bit too much for her to handle alone. I’m very much looking forward to this year’s edition and can’t wait to hear your lectures!

Secretary: Marit

Hi, I’m Marit! I am the secretary of this year. I plan our meetings, make sure everyone does their job, react to our emails and I will be the head of the ticket sales. 

Treasurer: Mara

Hi! I’m Mara, this year’s treasurer. Due to this role, I get to have an (financial) overview of everything that goes on behind the scenes of a congress, which is exciting. I’m looking forward to meeting you at the CONGres!

Head of speakers 1: Vonne

Hey there, I’m Vonne and this year I will be responsible for contacting the speakers. I will do this together with Anne. I am very happy with the speakers of this year, because I find all the subjects very interesting! So thank you for attending. I am looking forward to meeting you!

Head of speakers 2: Anne

Hi I’m Anne, one of the two Heads of Speakers this year. Together with Vonne I am responsible for the search for subjects and speakers that would fit the theme of this year’s  CONGres. I have mostly focused on booking hotel rooms for the international speakers. Because of all the interesting speakers we have invited to this CONGres, I am really looking forward to it!

Head of acquisition: Jesse

Hey there! My name is Jesse and I’m this year’s Head of Acquisition. Since the organization of the CONGres can be a costly endeavor, I am responsible for acquiring the necessary funds. To this end, I write to foundations and ask them if they would be willing to sponsor our event. 

Experience Room: Menthe

Hi hi! I’m Menthe, and I’m the Head of the Experience Room. In the breaks between the lectures, this will be the place to relax, eat, drink and explore this year’s theme in a criminally good way. Hope to see you there and maybe you’ll figure ‘it’ out! 

Logistics: Sili

Hi, I’m Sili and I’m Head of Logistics. I ensure that the location is arranged, and that everyone is in the right place at the right time. I’ll also take care of the appetizing dinner with enough drinks. Furthermore, I’m responsible for recruiting our incredible volunteers who help ensure the congress runs smoothly. I’m also looking forward to seeing you during this year’s CONGres!

Promo: Julia

Hi! I am Julia, the Head of Promotion for this years CONGres. This means that I’ll take care of all promotion for the CONGres, like the logo, the website and promotion materials like pens and stickers. I also take care of all the insta posts to keep everyone updated on all important things!

Committee 2022-2023 & Committee 2023-2024